Conflict Mediation

Conflict is a fact of life and often inevitable. While it can usually be resolved easily, sometimes it requires assistance beyond yourself, friends, or work managers.

If you are a manager or supervisor then resolving conflicts involving your staff can also be extremely difficult, especially when you are known to the parties involved who may also be your friends.

Here at Prospero we understand those difficulties and are here to help. We provide a cost effective, neutral and confidential mediation service designed to help parties resolve their dispute.  We will deal with all your requirements quickly and efficiently keeping you in the loop throughout.

Our approach will reduce the need for formal investigation or action. We are experienced at workplace mediation, so let us remove the stress and distractions by helping you resolve the issue. Our mediators are fully accredited by UK Mediation Limited, AIM (Ofqual) and the International Mediation Institute, and stand ready to help.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a method of managing conflict using an impartial/neutral person to help facilitate the resolution of disagreements. Mediation will ease workplace tensions before they become something more damaging. By its very nature, Mediation's informal approach makes it different from disciplinary procedures.

Mediation can greatly reduce the number of Employment Tribunal and Litigation cases. Prospero Mediation & Training provides external accredited mediators which means there can be no accusations of employer bias to the process.

When should Mediation be used?

Mediation can be used at any point during a conflict, but ideally before the dispute has grown and started to have a negative effect on the workplace. Any formal investigations or processes should be put on hold whilst Mediation is underway.

Mediation can be used in many different types of conflict including, but not limited to: those between colleagues, team members, employees and managers, Dr and patients, Landlords and Tenants, students and lecturers, , between neighbours, communities and even between school children.

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