Unconscious Bias Training

At Prospero, we offer courses on unconscious bias to improve your skills as a recruiter, manager, or supervisor.

Prospero Mediation & Training offers Unconscious Bias training courses fitted to met your own unique needs.

Course Objectives include, but aren't limited to:

  • What is Unconscious Bias?
  • What influences our Bias?
  • What is a stereotype?
  • What are the major types of Bias?
  • How does our Bias affect the way we operate?
  • Explore our Unconscious Bias.
  • How can we counter Bias?

We can also offer a 40 minute "Bite-Sized Bias" course. This could be taken over a lunch break, and covers all of the basics.

There is a vast body of research worldwide arguing that unconscious biases underlie a great deal of our patterns of behaviour.

First impressions, for example, are so important because our brain is hardwired to assess a person within the first few seconds of meeting them. This is an evolutionary throwback to the days when you couldn’t be sure the person who approached you was a friend or foe. Your first impression was important, because it could mean the difference between life or death.

The full course can cater for up to 16 people and lasts up to 4 hours. The course comprises formal teaching on what the terms above actually mean, as well as exposing course participants to examples of unconscious bias, stereotyping and assumptions. There is a mixture of facilitated discussion, group activities and game participation. The legal aspects underpinning equality are also examined.
We understand that Managers' and Supervisors' time is precious and expensive, so we are able to offer a more focused course tailored to your requirements. Prospero facilitators can offer bespoke, modular courses lasting from 1 to 4 hours to meet your managerial needs. Clearly the shorter the course the more focused it will be on fewer objectives - you are in full control of which Course Objectives are covered.

Today, we tend to use that initial information to make other types of judgements, like whether or not we would get on with that person. Because we try to get more information out of our first impressions rather that just do what our brains are hardwired to do (assess safety or danger), we end up making mistakes, and letting our bias take control of the situation.

It is human nature that we unconsciously look to promote people in our own image. In many occupations, personnel are sometimes given promotion or treated more favourably than their colleagues if they are attractive, or in the same sports team as their boss, or they are their boss’ drinking partner for example. But does being attractive, or being a good drinking partner mean that person is professionally more able than their colleagues? How long does it take to decide on a first impression? 7 seconds? 10 seconds? 30? A minute?

Our Unconscious Bias courses will make you more aware of your own Bias and those of others and will help you become a more aware recruiter, manager, supervisor or employee. You will better understand the world around you and how bias can often inadvertently fuel conflict.

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